How to Install our Restaurant Client
Sign up

We've done that one, haven't we? CHECK!

Add Restaurant(s)

Click the "Add Restaurant" button and add the applicable restaurant. If you have multiple to add, let us know and we will upload it for you!

After saving, you will receive a unique location ID (UUID) for each individual restaurant location. Take note of this number (or you can always sign in and get it again later).

Add New Restaurant
Install Client

Now, it's off to the restaurant. On the restaurant BOH (back of house) server, you will install our POS Client. This process takes about 32 seconds to do. During this process you will do the following:
  • Enter the Location Name
  • Enter the Location UUID
  • Select the POS type (i.e. Aloha)
  • Wait 32 seconds to install

**Note: The UUID will validate a valid restaurant name (and the system won't work properly without it), so please enter this correctly. We also recommend installing on the BOH via a thumbdrive and not accessing the internet directly on the point of sale

Finish Line

Congrats, you've made it! Now you can begin running your application against that restaurant location! All in just under 32 seconds.

Now, depending on your application, we do recommend updating a few POS configurations, so please be sure to check out our point-of-sale guides to walk you through the various configurations. If you are simply pulling transaction data, you will not need to make any further configurations.